Junior Section
Mixed coaching in 2023 for under 8s, 9s, 10s, 11s, 13s, 15s and 17s took place every Friday from the 21st April until the 21st July .
All Stars Cricket started on the 19th May and continued until the 21st July. 58,000 young cricketer signed up to All Stars Cricket across the country.
Junior cricket in Surrey changed in 2020. Instead of five different leagues within the county all junior cricket was combined into the Surrey Junior Cricket Championship.
In 2023 we entered teams at under 9, 10, 11, 13, 15 and 17 levels. Congratulations to our under 10s and 11s who both won their respective divisions.
The under 11s with their coach, James Penfold
For more information go to: https://surreyjuniorchampionship.play-cricket.com/Aboutus
Contacts: Junior Co-ordinator and Under 17s – Dan Jones (deejay1682@hotmail.com), All Stars – Iain Shields (iain_newdigatecc@gbmailbox.org.uk), Under 9s – Charlie Major (cmajor@rjrecruitment.co.uk), Under 10s -Simon Wells (simon.james.wells@gmail.com) and Tristan Newton (tristannewton@hotmail.com), Under 11s – James Penfold (jpenfold@rjrecruitment.co.uk), Under 13s – Kevin Goldsmith (kevin.goldsmith1@btinternet.com), Under 15s -John Callcut (john.callcut@btinternet.com).
Go to ‘Awards since 1993 and pictures of prize winners’ to see the 2023 prize giving pictures. Also coaches reports can be seen under ‘Review of 2023’.
The junior section was started in 1993 by Don and Annette Jones and has steadily grown over the years. Young people are welcome from the ages of five to sixteen and we have qualified coaches at all levels.
The club achieved the ECB Clubmark accreditation in 2007 and this was duly renewed in 2010, 2013, 2017 and 2022. For parents this means that their child will be playing cricket at a club that has been inspected and has passed the stringent criteria set by the England and Wales Cricket Board.
The junior boys and girls meet on Friday evenings at 6.00 pm for coaching. We hosted the Dorking Schools’ Kwik Cricket competitions for boys and girls on the 6th and 9th June 2023.
We work very closely with Surrey County Cricket Club and recommend promising players to the county some of whom are currently progressing through the Surrey pathway. Every year eight juniors are selected for special coaching at the Surrey Cricket Centre under the Russell Haigh Bursary which took place in February and March 2023.
We have a presentation evening when trophies are presented at each age group, often by a well known cricket celebrity.
In the week 24th – 28th July we ran a week long fun-filled Summer Camp for boys and girls. These pictures came from 2022.
We also take a group to the Kia Oval to see at least one first class match as guests of the County. In 2021 we took a group to see Surrey play Somerset in the Royal London One Day competition
We have two brand new nets, an artificial pitch, a bowling machine, cricket mats and catching cradles and equipment such as bats, pads, helmets etc.
Coaching nights have also developed into a social evening for parents who can often be seen sitting under the trees and catching the last of the evening sunshine with a cool glass of wine.
ECB Guidelines for Junior Players in Open Age Cricket
The ECB has issued new guidelines and any player in the under 13 age category has to have written permission before they can play in senior cricket. See ECB guidelines for further information.
Club Safeguarding Officer
If you have any problems or are concerned with any aspect of the club please contact our Club Safeguarding Officer, Annette Jordan on 07813 044665. We have adopted the ECB ‘Safe Hands – Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children’ and a copy is available in the club house.
In the event of an accident or incident please report to the Club Welfare Officer or Coach and complete a report in the Accident/Incident book which is kept in the first aid cupboard in the kitchen.
The following coaches/helpers have attended a first aid course – Simon Wells, John Callcut, Lee Brien, Annette Jordan, Andrew Major, Charlie Major, Monjur Elahi, Ray Smith, Tristan Newton, Jon Bell, Kevin Goldsmith, James Penfold, Stephen Kehl, Karen Fordree, Vicky Clack, Mark and Annabel De Vrij, Vicky Clack, Dan Jones, Pam Odun and Guy Thorneloe.
First Aid boxes and a defibrillator can be found in the kitchen and separate boxes are available in the junior kit bags which the coaches will take to away matches.